Oswald as a member of the game's Hero Team, along with Ash Crimson and Shen Woo, He is voiced by Toshihiro Shigetsuka. It is revealed at the end of the tournament that Oswald joins Ash and Shen Woo to obtain money and drugs named Dragon Pills. Ash agrees to give information regarding the drug to Oswald, explaining that it can only be given to him if he defeats the provider's enemy, Shen Woo. Oswald was created as an older gentleman. Developers consider his moves to be comical compared to the seriousness of his image, especially when the move "Joker" is blocked or misses. Oswald chose to leave the result of his fight with Shen ambiguous, implying that fans would have been disappointed with the outcome. Oswald was originally intended to be the good-looking glasses.
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