Shen Woo

Shen Woo

Shen Woo is one of the members of the Hero Team with Ash Crimson and Duo Lon. He was first conceptualized to be a wild and sexy man. Shen Woo is voiced by Kouji Suitsu. Due to his fighting style revolving around punches, designers for his fighting style had to make his attacks distinctive enough to avoid confusion with Ralf and Yashiro. Ash decides to pit his two teammates against each other by convincing Oswald to defeat Shen Woo for the mention of the Dragon Pills made by an unnamed pharmacist in Shanghai, telling Oswald that they will only give the Dragon Pills to someone who could defeat their mortal enemy, Shen Woo.

Shen Woo was raised in the Chinese city of Shanghai and given that nickname for developing his own. he came to know the enigmatic fighter Ash, who entered Shen Woo, himself, and Duo Lon as the Hero Team into the King of Fighters 2003 tournament.


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